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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Well its Wednesday, and it has a been a slow week for me (which is just fine by me). As I mentioned on Sunday in the last post, Kater had been preparing for her first test. I'm proud to say she received an A! Did we have any doubt?! She is very relieved to have that out of the way. The next exam is Anatomy on this coming Monday, which she's preparing for now.
This week I've been working on my graphics projects, including a revision for the YMCA sweatshirts:
They asked me to make a few changes including the positioning of the leg, adding some climbing equipment and a life-jacket. No problem!
I have a few more projects going on as well, including another T-shirt design for the AAV (aviary club on campus), so I'm keeping busy. This is how I've spent my week so far. No snorkeling yet this week!
Today is Wednesday which means the market comes to campus, so I'll be heading over to pick up come more fresh fruits and veggies.
What else, I'm still running regularly- after sunset now. It's so much better once it cools off! I guess it would make sense to run in the heat to sweat more but it's just not tolerable at this point. The gym on campus has opened but at this time they are only allowing students to use the facility. We (the VIP group) are upset with this and are in the process of trying to speed up the process so we can us it as well. They say they want to see how much its getting used first but the impact of our use would be negligible (there are less than 30 of us, and would use it at different times throughout the day- that is IF all of us even went...).
I'll keep you posted on that, we're hoping by Friday some changes will be made.
That's it for now.

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